Monday, October 25, 2010

Closer to the heavens,
the heart soaring through the clouds,
timid feet creeping to the edge,
afraid of the fall.
Brooding monoliths,
pacified by little brooks,
giant trees memorialized in driftwood.
The city celebrates its ugly spectacle,
affords me my escape.
Few day to go,
the heart yearns.
You are but slivers of time
In these slivers are slivers that are mine.
Pull me out
You will not be you.
But then how would you know
until you try to go.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random today

A change of guard
A bit early
some will not be missed
Some dearly
meandering through
to meet the ocean
thundering on
to the final conclusion.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I write..

I just do

Why do I write?
To impress you?
Depress you?
I don't know,
I just do.
Do I write for one?
Do I write for many?
I don't know,
I just do.
Do I plagiarize?
Do I eulogize?
I don't know,
I just do.

Saturday, 24 October 2009 at 07:27
And drop by drop the urn filled up till life began to overflow.
30 December 2009 at 03:10
Logo and signboard for mpartners.
M for mpathy , m for magnificent, m for multifaceted.
04 January at 05:40
An orange board with a black elephant,
green and red laminated bows,
home accessories, soft furnishing,
stationery, cars reversed and angularly parked,
not warm but still sweaty,
an incongruous heavy odor in a gently cool breeze,
yet I sweat as I wait,
yet I love it though I tire standing,
officegoers with vermillion marks rushing home.
17 December 2009 at 16:26
ilent nights, quiet mornings, sombre afternoons, expectant evenings. Life turns.
28 January at 14:55
Flights of fancy, sudden descent,
aspirations to reality,
should the heart repent or should reality relent?
08 December 2009 at 09:40
A whirl, interviews, mised calls, pandemonium.
Deadlines, each missed, late nights, early mornings.
A melody that i seek to render, this chaos, just a step to that.
When shall the cacophony end and the symphony emerge?
I persevere.
Soon, soon.... very soon..
26 November 2009 at 12:10
Driving on a road,
missing the smooth patches,
noticing the bumps,

A bright smile after a meal,
a speck of food stuck, visible
Missig the smile

Sitting with Chaitanya
Fingers to his mouth, chewing his nails
Missing the intensity of the moment

Sittiing in office reading mails
Noticing the misspelling
Missing the thought,

Writing on facebook
Copy paste to google to check
Missing the beauty of a friend's thoughts

Sitting in court during arguments
The yellowing of shirts visible
Missing the passion of their arguments

Flawed? Yes we all are

I write this easily,
But can someone tell me how to accept them.

I write this easily,
But can someone tell me of mine.

The buffet of life, the dilemma of choice!
23 September 2009 at 12:37
or should it be
Life without bounds,
Paradise lost? Paradise found?
The buffet of life, the dilemma of choice!
30 September 2009 at 08:59
Many decades ago,
as a little cell I rushed to my raison de etre,
life seeking to proliferate,
a species' to dominate.
Emotion, biology, anthropology, sociology, law to every human science,
each one has contributed to my becoming,
but most of all each of you and the others that may one day read this but are not here yet,
I have become because of you.
Thank you all.
19 September 2009 at 17:22
the tomorrow you sought,
has it come to nought?
the promises you made,
assurances you borrowed, tomorrow to today and today to yesterday converted,
lofty thoughts to reality subverted.
I seek not to hurt nor to insult,
look at each day, smile and in reality exult.
but then ask me to meet you somewhere today,
so we can decide,
into which direction to take our ride.
14 September 2009 at 09:05
enjoying your lives as you whizz by,
trying hard to keep up pace with your sprightly steps and amazing grace.
to each of you I wish the best. thank you all,
our friendship has withstood time,
changing fortunes, changing climes,
whilst we moved on from nursery rhymes.
14 September 2009 at 08:36

Advent of baldness - the swan song of plumage?

Follicular promise or demise,
I pray each one of you will look at me with the same premise!
11 September 2009 at 18:45
To prevail by consensus, Ideal.
To allow to prevail with a smile: Divine.
08 September 2009 at 21:37
A leap across a subcontinent,
a quarter of a century late,
what would we do if life decided to wait,
sometimes great things arrive a little too late.
We endeavour still, hoping that our faith will prevail.
04 September 2009 at 00:52
Distant temple bells,
gently clanging,
mingling with the fragrance of incense,
subtle sensations empowered by divinity,
reverent chatter of mingling devotees. Durga.
My garden,
sweet whiff of gardenia,
colourfully exploding musanda,
onion to leek to onion,
pineapples challenging apples,
the aroma of tea as we pass the plant,
full baskets of leaves to fill small cups,
the innocence of paradise.
Assam, I miss you!
27 August 2009 at 11:07
fallen trees that took years to grow tall,
a small squall, look how they fall.
Broad trunks chopped in hours,
do our cities have smiling flowers?
The signs are clear, yes i fear, the end of my world,
as i knew it is very near.
I repeat, request, reiterate, let your airconitioning for one hour abate.
23 August 2009 at 10:36
Droves of pigeons circling buildings looking for a place to perch,
all they find are windows crowded with airconditioning, heating and eating up their world.
Tall trees yearning for sunlight in the shadows of looming buildings designed by man to keep the sunlight out.
My city, an ode to mankind, do you realize the conflict you create?
Can I request each one of my buddies to keep their airconditioning off for one hour
21 August 2009 at 09:16
diabla. Mia carra! We shall meet again.
Bewitched by the rumbling streams,
parting ways for now, you will be in my dreams.
Diabla, mia carra, we shall meet again.
18 August 2009 at 07:05
we soar and then the clouds.
Gentle lush green monoliths, creased,bemused.
Paradox. Soldiers maintain temples, civilians man the cantonmemts.
The pacifist lama lives amidst the khalsa.
We ravish paradise with diesel.
Yet i wish you were here!
16 August 2009 at 09:59
to own, to hold, to possess, just the ego trying to manifest
11 August 2009 at 23:15
The difference between genius and madness is "success".
11 August 2009 at 13:43
Controversy equalizes fools and wise men - and the fools know it.
11 August 2009 at 09:38
The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye.
The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract.
10 August 2009 at 20:00
I walked upto a flower, and said "hey there little rose"
Along came a friend, who said "thats not a rose, its hibiscus"
"you could have asked me" said the little poppy, as we walked away arguing about it.
08 August 2009 at 13:06
From the passion for speed to the speed of passion.
The pace the excitement the hazy blurry lazy slowdown after the storm
The blur of the slowdown after the blur of speed
The hangover, drunkenness, silence, noise.
Are they all the same
29 July 2009 at 23:24
The hangover, drunkenness, silence, noise
Are they all the same
The chase, slowdown, the kill, speed, langour, passion.
The moment triumphs.
A friend threatens to leave, to return with silk and pepper dilemma!!
Another threatens to love me. Dilemma!!
One unravels, the other travels!
I sit at my desk and I wonder
Which is right and which, a blunder.
One that travels to love or the one that loves to travel
A man sitting under a coconut tree, looking out to the ocean, wondering when the tide will roll in.
The moon's rays taking the brown off the sand, turning it to silver, alchemy?
will the tide tarnish the silver or will it set him free?
meaningless thought
ust a word in ether,
many perceptions, one meaning.
( ) Gottago!!
net, distances, culture,
perceptions, memories, photographs,
faces, change, reality,
are we there yet?
Feeling sorta blue.
Planning a party, all those who love the sax, please revert.
Loving the way my life is catching up with me.
Looking at each one of you, the blanks are filling up.

Monday, February 22, 2010

my wind

Caress my face gently you will sometimes
Mingle with the rain and pour down my face sometimes
Challenge my countenance and slow me sometimes,
Put me in a tailspin and spiral me down sometimes.
I have no wings nor the weight to fly
Yet you are the wind that will take me to the sky
Without you I am nothing, I am the poet you are the muse,
tables turn, I am the muse, you the poet,
tarry and try to be slow, I am caught up but raring to go.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Fleeting reality, permanent memories
Growing children, the inevitability of change.
Each day a dusk, each dusk a dawn
perseverance of the brain, the disappearance of brawn.
Yet we strive in the body for the body, why?
The paradox of life, fickleness of the mind, I wish I could tell.
Yet I err...