Came back from Mumbai on Friday evening and was happily greated by Chaitanya, Nitaai and Nandika shouting "Papa". Chaitanya rushing towards me at full speed Nitaai and Nandika carried by their respective caretakers. We headed homeward with a brief stopover intended at Ashwini Bhaiya's. He had recently been raided by the Directorate of Revenue Investigation and in right earnest, as his trusted lawyer brother/son, I was dutybound to swing by. We landed up at their home.
A little pekingese missile of hair called Whistly merrily hurled itself at my children, who promptly esconced themselves on the higherst reaches of the neares pieces of furniture, precariousl balanced as the canine apparently challenged. Slowly fmiliarity built up and I could ahve a conversation with Bhaiya. Oh, I forgot to mention that Nandika, the little one was the first to make friends with Whistly, I guess we all know the lesson to be learnt from that fact.
We sat and dscussed the horrors that had been meted out by the custodians of revenue and the enforcers of our tax laws. It took me back to my readings on dungeons and the demands of heartless monarchs and the miseries of the commoners. For once, it didnt seem that we lived in a free country. Visiting those feelings again. Thank you Narendra Modi, you made our dreams (nightmares) come true.
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