Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A blog of my own


"Art for arts sake, or art for the people? Artists dilemma"

Pat came the response when I asked Vishruta "what is expected of me on a blog? Should I type things that I believe people want to see or should I let my fingers ramble on?"

Given a choice, ramble on I will. Art for arts sake, pretentious, but worth a try. I am no artist after all.

Now to why I wanted the blog. Is it because it is the ultimate form of self adulation. My thoughts deserve to be out there for all to learn or see, right? Yes at first and on second thoughts, No! Each visitor to my blog , I am told, can comment (thank you for stopping by, and thanks but no thanks). Thats completely out of control, criticism and that too of my thoughts or me, a definite no no. For that reason, the pragmatic control freak in me started weighing the pros and cons.

I want the blog because I am told that it is a way for me to reach several individuals regardless of whether or not they are on my friends /contacts list. My objective is dual, firstly, maximize traffic, therfore, include as many relevant words as I can think of, so that anyone searching for something on those words will chance upon this blog, so that is the "thanks for stopping by" bit (I can make money selling adspace).

The second is to ensure that each visitor chances upon such views as would elicit diverse responses, that would be "the enlighten me" bit. In addition, hopefully between my now middle aged friends and I, we can help some of the younger lot understand the true meaning of nirvana.

माया मिले और राम।

Cliched and borrowed as it may sound, I finally have a blog of my own।


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